Steve Baker

Vézelay Seen from the South by Steve Baker

Vézelay Seen from the South

Photograph - 56 x 84cm

Like Columns of Tiny Ants XXX by Steve Baker

Like Columns of Tiny Ants XXX

Constructed photograph - 41 x 123cm

Scapeland XVIII by Steve Baker

Scapeland XVIII

Constructed photograph - 41 x 123cm

Landscape with Background Noise by Steve Baker

Landscape with Background Noise

Photograph - 56 x 84cm

Scapeland XVII by Steve Baker

Scapeland XVII

Constructed photograph - 41 x 123cm

In Alvor by Steve Baker

In Alvor

Photograph - 36 x 54cm

Like Columns of Tiny Ants XX by Steve Baker

Like Columns of Tiny Ants XX

Constructed photograph - 41 x 123cm

Sudek’s Trees IV by Steve Baker

Sudek’s Trees IV

Photograph - 36 x 54cm

I work with the materials in my local environment.   My current practice is largely photographic, and much of it addresses the distinctive character of the woodlands, wetlands and wildlife of rural Norfolk. My interest is in spaces shaped and shared by human and nonhuman animals, but where neither is necessarily visible. The aim of the work is to give contemporary form to the experience of moving through these environments. Here, the material texture of place is what counts, marking out a kind of haptic space that is confined, pressing and immediate. Ron Broglio has aptly described this kind of embodied engagement with landscape as the “disjoined conjunction of stumbling and seeing.”

In addition to being a member of Norwich 20 Group, I am an artist-member of OUTPOST and of the national Land2 research network, and an associate of the Melbourne-based AEGIS research network for arts and ecology.

Steve's Website: