It is my task as a sculptor to make palpable ideas born out of my sensations and thoughts about the physical world through the manipulation of space, form, materials and colour. Through our human intelligence, imagination and sensitivity to our surroundings we endeavour to understand our place in the anarchy of our existence.
The stuff of the world is often ordinary and prosaic, but in attempting to discover significance, we seek to imbue our environments with beauty and transcendence. I take the most mundane of materials – paper, cardboard, plywood, acrylic paint, perspex and mesh, and combine them in such a way as to create a fresh slant on reality which moves plain materiality onto another level, even suggesting, however tentatively, the possibility of something beyond the physical…
Clearly drawn forms and unexpected space, reflections, colour and light conceivably assist on this journey.
Derek Morris lives and works in Norwich. He founded and developed a degree level sculpture course at Norwich Art School (now NUA), was President of the Royal Society of British Sculptors for five years and is currently a trustee of Norfolk Contemporary Art Society.