We are painters, sculptors, installation & conceptual artists, printmakers and photographers

Next meeting: Tuesday 4 March

Evening Activity At The Lighthouse by Trevor Aldous

Trevor Aldous

Threshold Revisited by Anne Allanson

Anne Allanson

Storm I by Christine Allman

Christine Allman

Scapeland XVIII by Steve Baker

Steve Baker

Orfordness Warrior by Peter Baldwin

Peter Baldwin

Heron Island by John Bardell

John Bardell

6 Reds by Martin Battye

Martin Battye

Untitled 1 by Jo Bellamy

Jo Bellamy

A View From A Train Journey by Josephine Brett

Josephine Brett

Aurochs by Leslie Burton

Leslie Burton

Beatie installation by Julia Cameron

Julia Cameron

Devils Hole by Sarah Cannell

Sarah Cannell

Untitled 8 by Fliss Cary

Fliss Cary

Forum Library 3 by Linda Chapman

Linda Chapman

Pictured Reality by Michael Chapman

Michael Chapman

Iskele 2016 by Gillian Charrot

Gillian Charrot

Olivia Heseltine by David Chedgey

David Chedgey

Light-wait by Carrie Clarke

Carrie Clarke

Roman Catholic Cathedral by Richard Cleland

Richard Cleland

Oriental Vessels by Nell Close

Nell Close

Like the Sky holds the Moon by Lara Cobden

Lara Cobden

Blok by Katarzyna Coleman

Katarzyna Coleman

Chapel by Oliver Creed

Oliver Creed

Culprit by Polly Cruse

Polly Cruse

Forum exhibition sculpture 2015 by Rebecca Cubitt

Rebecca Cubitt

From the 'Pieces' series by Natasha Day

Natasha Day

How many negative thoughts pass through your mind during one Saturday Afternoon by Colin Devine

Colin Devine

Blink - Detail by Carl Durban

Carl Durban

Soft Light by Anthea Eames

Anthea Eames

Ferrybridge by Craig J Frost

Craig J Frost

Tangled Side Up by Rachel Furze

Rachel Furze

Over the horizon 1 by Anthony George

Anthony George

In Violet Light II by Brigitte Hague

Brigitte Hague

Words and flowers by Elizabeth Harvey

Elizabeth Harvey

Seascape 110 by Thea Hickling

Thea Hickling

Aumbry by Sally Hirst

Sally Hirst

In the Studio by Michael Horn

Michael Horn

Whin Sill by Annie Hudson

Annie Hudson

Manuscript Detail by Elizabeth Humphries

Elizabeth Humphries

Untitled 2 by Helen Ireland

Helen Ireland

Seize The Day by Noreen Jackson

Noreen Jackson

Vesta by Marek Jeczalik

Marek Jeczalik

Provençal Town by David Jones

David Jones

Boogie Rhythms by Jim Jones

Jim Jones

Memories of Langtons by Mary Ann Jones

Mary Ann Jones

Walking Windows by Yusuf Keten

Yusuf Keten

Ancient Olive Tree II by Diana Lamb

Diana Lamb

Barras Head from Tintagel Castle by Martin Laurance

Martin Laurance

Sea Anemone by Barbara Leaney

Barbara Leaney

Vertical Severance by Geoffrey Lefever

Geoffrey Lefever

wolf by Rachael Long

Rachael Long

Mandala 9 by Chris Loukes

Chris Loukes

City of Norwich School by Tony Mabbutt

Tony Mabbutt

Thorpe station 1919 by Carolyn MacArthur

Carolyn MacArthur

Peter's Towel by Jane Mackintosh

Jane Mackintosh

Beanman Carries Water to the Well by Simon Marshall

Simon Marshall

Detail of ‘Lady from another grinning soul …she will be your living end’ by Frances Martin

Frances Martin

John Dory by Gary Martin

Gary Martin

Lines And Squares by Rory McShane

Rory McShane

Light Gleams an Instant by Mary Mellor

Mary Mellor

Untitled Collage No1 by Derek Morris

Derek Morris

Epoche: Suspension of judgement 2017 by Su Nicholls

Su Nicholls

Landslip Pakefield by PJ Offord

PJ Offord

Taid by Emrys Parry

Emrys Parry

Blue spiral by Stephen Pendleton

Stephen Pendleton

Pick Me Up by Vanessa Pooley

Vanessa Pooley

Evening Staithes Harbour by Maurice Read

Maurice Read

Egyptian Torso by Joanna Reynolds

Joanna Reynolds

2 by David Rogers

David Rogers

Washed Creeks III by Tracey Ross

Tracey Ross

En Route to Santiago by Laurie Rudling

Laurie Rudling

Dark dune by Jane Sanger

Jane Sanger

Chaotic Symmetry by Andrew Schumann

Andrew Schumann

The Bread Man by Stuart Shearer

Stuart Shearer

Indian Summer by Hazel Spencer

Hazel Spencer

On the edge by Mary Spicer

Mary Spicer

Calligraphy 2 by Ann-Mari Stevens

Ann-Mari Stevens

Caryatide by Catherine Swain

Catherine Swain

Oblivion by Luke Underwood

Luke Underwood

In my dreams my head took flight by Malcolm Wallis

Malcolm Wallis

Zong by Barry Watkins

Barry Watkins

One And Others by Monika Wesselmann

Monika Wesselmann

Honesty in a Cup by Joceline Wickham

Joceline Wickham

Part Of The Pattern by Juliet Wimhurst

Juliet Wimhurst

Arise by Rosie Winn

Rosie Winn

timepeace by David Woods

David Woods

Trilogy by Rob Woods

Rob Woods